Monday, August 17, 2009

Cheers to you Washtenaw County!

The days are growing shorter and fall is creeping in. My carefree summer is about to end and I'll soon find myself behind a desk with creepy adolescent grins bearing down upon me. Okay, that's a little harsh but nonetheless, I mourn for summer like a lost love.

I've been remiss in my reports because, well, its summer and I'm lazy. Here's a recap of some of the cool things I've neglected to report.
1. Cafe Racer opening, last Saturday, August 15. Cafe Racer is a cool little cafe/vintage motorcycle shop that just opened in at 10 Cross Street, in Depot Town, Ypsilanti. Everyone's favorite twisted puppet show, the Gepetto Files awed, entertained and horrified (or is that whorified?) us with their creepy puppet show. They were great, as always. There were cool bikes of all ages, sizes, shapes and styles for all to see. DJ's Chuck Damage and Doubleplus spun some tunes and yes, there was some dancing.

2. It should also be noted that Depot Town Tattoo had and art show/opening that night as well. Located diagonally across the street from Cafe Racer, the shop is home to a couple of really great artists. Dawn Cooke, in particular, does a brilliant job with needle and ink. But skin is not her only medium, she's a painter as well and has some super cool pieces that I've seen.

Those 2 spots, as well as Fantasy Attic Costumes, are really helping make Ypsilanti a cool place like it was "back in the day". Sorry, I refuse to say Hipsilanti.

3. Elbow Deep. Held at the Elbow Room, 6 Washington Street, Ypsilanti, on the last Tuesday of every month, Elbow deep is Ypsi's answer to Necto Fridays. But different. I had heard it was a blast so last month, I donned my latex gloves, grabbed my KY Jelly and headed on up there. Well, it is called "elbow deep" so I just wanted to be prepared! My supplies weren't needed, sigh, but between The House of Chanel mini drag revue and all the dance hits spun by DJ Humanfly, it was a hoot nonetheless!

There are also other cool new happenings poppin' up in the Ypsi`A2 area that I haven't made it to but have heard good things about:

4. The Heidelberg Club Above
215 N. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI, 48104
Most Saturdays and the occasional random weekday No Fun Entertainment presents a variety of cool bands. Check em out.

5. Ann Arbor reopening of Direct Hits Mod Night
Now at the Heidelberg in Ann Arbor. Come out and show your support!
Held on the last Thursday of every month, Mod Night pays tribute to the days of olde....meaning the late 50's-early 60's before the dirty hippies destroyed the world. Last month was the re-opening and featured a special theme: "MODS VS ROCKERS", sponsored by Cafe Racer, Orbit Hair Design, Fantasy Attic, and Underground Sounds. Mod night DJs faced off against a rockabilly DJ and a garage/glam rock band from Detroit.
Hipsters come dressed in retro/vintage 50's or 60's styles and you can also shop for vintage clothing and vintage scooters/cycles.

So whether you're looking to cut a rug, check out hags, fags and drags, cycles, tats or puppets....there's definitely cool shit to do in Washtenaw County. Just check back to find out.

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